Additions for Mid-Century Homes 2023
CourseDid you know that your house was built for an addition? It's true! Mid-century homes were constructed to be added on to and I can help you figure out the perfect spot to add the space you want.
Mid-Century Owners' Suite Clinic 2023
Mid-Century Exteriors Clinic: Spring 2023
CourseMid-Century homes can always use a little more mid mod charm!! Learn to tweak or transform the look of your MCM exterior so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!
Mid-Century Outdoor Spaces Clinic: Patios, Decks & Porches
CourseGet the secrets of a perfect MCM patio and a delightful Mid-Century deck before you update! Learn to tweak or transform the layout of your MCM deck or patio so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!
Mid-Century Kitchen Clinic: Winter 2023
CourseMid-Century kitchens can look so charming ... but have built-in layout challenges that frustrate everyone! Learn to tweak or transform the layout of your MCM kitchen so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!
The Ready to Remodel Program
Mid-Century Design Clinics
Mid-Century Style Guide Clinic: Spring 2023
CourseYou can call it a style guide ... I'LL CALL IT THE SECRET SAUCE! I'm giving you the secrets of the style guides I create for my Mid-Century Masterplan clients in this workshop.
Mid-Century Exteriors Clinic: Spring 2023
CourseMid-Century homes can always use a little more mid mod charm!! Learn to tweak or transform the look of your MCM exterior so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!
Mid-Century Kitchen Clinic: Winter 2023
CourseMid-Century kitchens can look so charming ... but have built-in layout challenges that frustrate everyone! Learn to tweak or transform the layout of your MCM kitchen so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!
Mid-Century Outdoor Spaces Clinic: Patios, Decks & Porches
CourseGet the secrets of a perfect MCM patio and a delightful Mid-Century deck before you update! Learn to tweak or transform the layout of your MCM deck or patio so that it fits the life you want to lead in this action packed One Day Workshop!