Tweak and improve your existing Owners' Suite - or learn how you can fit one into your home - in this super-valuable, action-packed Two Hour Workshop.  

Planning a perfect mid-century bath upgrade is all about the details.  

And there are A LOT of them.  It is so easy to get snowed under that "I'm totally overwhelmed by all the decisions" is the #1  problem I hear about from folks who are mid-remodel.  Then they start making poor choices as a result.

This clinic is going to help you get every detail right!

Planning a perfect owners' suite is not rocket science, my friend.  But it does require some clever space planning to fit into a snug mcm home AND some well balanced finish choices to match it to your actual budget. 


We'll do that, too!

(Hot tip: Slow your roll with me for just a minute and I can simplify LITERALLY EVERY bath update decision you'll make. No lie. )

That is, if you do it right.  

I'll show you...

  • How to figure out what features of an updated bed/bath layout might matter most to you. 
  • Grab the "keystone" measurements of your actual space so that you can get real about what's possible - and what's going to be much less expensive for for you to plan.
  • How to put a name on your personal Mid-Century style (and come to an agreement with your partner on your plans (if their style happens to differ from yours) to kick start an lazy design research process
  • Where to go for EASY to use inspo.  We are not in high school anymore. You ARE allowed to "cheat" off your neighbor's work.  Or off of the super remodels show in Atomic Ranch and on Instagram.  AND how to make sure you're getting inspiration from the right folks!
  • How to sift effectively through magazines, instagram and pinterest.  Put your scroll time to good use by actually capturing those great ideas you see and envy every day
  • Walk through the design principles of a GREAT MCM Bed and bath UPDATE and how they can make your bath more spacious, stylish, cleanable and timeless!  
  • Study real world examples from mid-century owners' suite in every shape and size from the Mid Mod Midwest archives
  • Set you up take a Master Plan approach to your bath update so that you can lead your remodel with confidence!

In short,  I'm giving you...

The secrets of the bath updates and from-scratch owners' suites I create for my Mid-Century Master Plan clients (which help them focus their projects and communicate clearly with material suppliers and general contractors to magical effects).