Indoor/outdoor spaces that flow are one of the best principles of an ideal mid-century home (picture the beautiful glass walls and shaded patios of many California Modern homes)... BUT that flow doesn’t always show up in a basic ranch!

Learn how to create welcoming, functional outdoor spaces with just the right mid-century vibe in this super-valuable, action packed Two Hour Workshop.  

Learn how to create welcoming, functional outdoor spaces with just the right mid-century vibe with this super-valuable, action-packed Two Hour Workshop.

We will:

  • Walk through my Mid-Century Master Plan Dreaming exercise to clarify what a "dream outdoor space" means for you and your family.
  • Learn to sift your Pinterest and Insta time for max effect so that you can create a
    Style Guide - and make ALL YOUR PLANNING 100% EASIER.
  • Go through the design principles of a GREAT MCM UPDATE and then study real-world examples of porches, patios, and decks from mid-century ranches.
  • Set you up to take the Master Plan approach outside, so that you can transform your spaces with confidence. 

Get practical design strategies and dozens of real-world examples from mid-century homes just like yours so that you can start DREAMING UP the deck of your dreams THIS WEEKEND!